The Indo-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement (ISLFTA) was signed in 1998 to promote bilateral trade between India and Sri Lanka. The agreement resulted in the creation of a free trade area between the two countries, which allowed for the removal of tariffs on a wide range of products. This agreement has been beneficial for both countries and has helped to promote economic growth in the region.

The ISLFTA covers a wide range of products, including textiles, machinery, chemicals, and agricultural products. This has led to an increase in trade between the two countries, with India exporting a range of goods such as pharmaceuticals, textiles, and automobile components to Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka, on the other hand, exports tea, rubber, and other agricultural products to India.

The ISLFTA has not only increased trade between the two countries but has also created new opportunities for investment. The agreement has helped to attract foreign investors to both India and Sri Lanka, who are keen to take advantage of the new opportunities created by the agreement. This has resulted in the creation of new jobs and has helped to boost economic growth in both countries.

In recent years, there has been some criticism of the agreement, with some people arguing that it has not lived up to its full potential. Some believe that the agreement has favored India more than Sri Lanka, with India benefiting from greater market access and increased exports. However, supporters of the agreement argue that it has been beneficial for both countries and has helped to promote economic growth in the region.

The future of the ISLFTA remains uncertain, with some experts calling for a review of the agreement to ensure that it remains beneficial for both countries. However, it is clear that the agreement has been instrumental in promoting trade and investment between India and Sri Lanka, and it is likely that it will continue to play an important role in the economic relationship between the two countries.

In conclusion, the Indo-Sri Lanka Free Trade Agreement has been an important development in the economic relationship between India and Sri Lanka. It has helped to promote bilateral trade, attract foreign investment, and boost economic growth in both countries. While there have been some criticisms of the agreement, it is clear that it has been beneficial for both countries and has helped to strengthen their economic ties.